6 effective ways to prevent cervical cancer

It is estimated that about 9 women die from cervical cancer every day in Vietnam. At the same time, the age of this disease tends to be younger from 30 to 50 years old. Therefore, proactive prevention of cervical cancer helps to minimize the risk of disease.

1. Get the HPV vaccine

The Ministry of Health recommends that women aged 9-26 years old should get the HPV vaccine to prevent cervical cancer, this is the most effective period of vaccination. Therefore, women are advised to receive 3 doses of HPV vaccine within 6 to 12 months.

2. Regular cervical cancer screenings

Furthermore, women should be screened for cervical cancer every year to detect cervical abnormalities early.

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TruScreen Optical – Electrical cervical cancer screening method

Aside from traditional cervical cancer screening methods, TruScreen Optical – Electrical screening offers an ideal option for women. This method is non-invasive, does not cause discomfort during the examination, and results are received within 3-5 minutes.

  1. Practice safe sex

As you know, sexual contact with the HPV virus is one of the most common causes of cervical cancer. In adolescence, the parts of the genital organs are gradually perfecting and most sensitive. Therefore, it is very easy to get infected with HPV because during this period, the ability to protect yourself against pathogens is not good. You should barrier protection methods during sexual activity to prevent the spread of diseases.

  1. Don’t abuse birth control pills

Birth control pills are often used as an emergency contraceptive. If used regularly, it can cause many undesirable side effects, including cervical cancer.


  1. Keep vagina hygiene clean

To avoid gynecological infections, the vagina must be cleaned properly. Because a long-term undetected infection will increase the risk of cervical cancer.

  1. Healthy nutrition and exercise

It is recommended that women follow a scientific diet consisting of foods rich in vitamins E, A, C, and calcium, which provide antioxidants that help protect cells from free radicals, thereby preventing cancer. Additionally, women should get enough sleep, limit their stress levels, and exercise to prevent cancer.

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If detected at an early stage, cervical cancer is completely preventable and curable. These cervical cancer prevention ways will help you avoid this dangerous disease. 


Reference source: https://www.vinmec.com/vi/ung-buou-xa-tri/thong-tin-suc-khoe/de-ngan-ngua-ung-thu-co-tu-cung-phu-nu-can-lam-gi/ 

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